You can elect to provide us with only one point of contact – email or a phone number.
You can request mental health support, Laundry Love (provides assistance to pay for laundry services or to replace flood-damaged washers and dryers), Remembering Joy grants (up to $25 per flood-affected family member to cover ticket costs, classes, experiences, adventures, or supplies to help recapture joy), Environmental Health Appliances grants (covers the cost of dehumidifiers, air purifiers, and space heaters for flood-affected households), or cash grants (to cover flood-impacted household needs not listed here).
An affirmative “I agree” for this Consent & Release portion of the Rainbow Bridge Community Center’s (RBCC) Rainbow Relief Community Needs Assessment (RRCNA) form authorizes the RBCC to share any information in its possession, including, but not limited to the name, address, and other personal information and the type of assistance being received or requested as a result of the Central Vermont Floods of Summer 2023 with other disaster relief, local government, and voluntary organizations participating in the long term recovery of central Vermont in order to coordinate available disaster relief services and assistance. Consent is not required for assistance and can be revoked at any time. The RBCC will never sell your information.