Queers Go To Council – Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Adam Jacobs reporting:

Approval of lease with Barre Up

Appointment of Tess Taylor to Board of Directors to replace City Manager

Water and Sewage Bills due by January 2nd.

Approval of several liquor licenses


Sigh of relief and assessed the damage

Activated early and did routine checks

Mitigation system worked

Trash racks held debris, Brooks street held water

Water kept moving through relatively unobstructed

Areas of concern: Berlin Street Bridge

West 2nd street where river jumped banks

Biggest flooding on depot square and north main street at 2nd

Public Works Crew redeployed to help with AUD for shelter

Public Works to get everything cleaned before it froze in place

Help secure so vehicles didn’t drive through

A little too close for comfort and system worked

No significant damage reported, some residents with water in basements

Becoming too routine almost

Early notifications worked well with merchant notifications

How we can improve it

18 people stayed over in AUD, some from displaced shelter or Berlin.

Addressed right off, Economic Services

In past we’ve had delays with getting RC there, but it was timely, the trailer was there

The meetings was productive


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Wed, January 17th from 6:00pm-7:30pm at Labor Hall for presentation and public comment. Interactive pieces for North End Gateway Project. Go around with clipboards and talk to people.

A roster of folks to speak…the mayor…lay out what the evening will look like. Rebecca Ellis, Waterbury’s work after Irene. Like to hear from Barre Up. Have someone speak about the river and the river flow. Speak about the North End history. 45 minutes of open mike situation. Closing remarks. Paul Costello could be the facilitator.

Monday (22nd), Wed (24th), Thur (25th) to have WARD meetings from 5:00-6:30. MON: Ward 3 meeting. WED: Ward 2 meeting. THUR: Ward 1 meeting. Open to anyone, but show preference to those neighbors.

ANR: to talk about river science, take place at Council Meeting.