As we do not have full time staff on site, you’ll probably get your quickest response by email, rather than by phone.
- A good default email to try, monitored by several of the organization’s leadership, including officers.
- For inquiries specifically about the Rainbow Relief Fund, Community Cares Day, and similar support activities that RBCC makes available.
- For inquiries related to RBCC’s social media presence.
- Volunteering: Get in touch with us about helping to run a group, work on an event, or get involved in some other way.
- Submit a Grievance: If you have a concern about the way RBCC or its staff and volunteers have acted.
- 802-622-0692: Call us and leave a message. We check the mailbox only intermittently so don’t use this for urgent questions.
- Mail: 81 N. Main St Suite 2, Barre, VT 05641