The RBCC is a non-profit devoted to serving the needs of the Central Vermont LGBTQIA2S+ community. Located in Barre, VT, we center on creating a safe, accessible space to support community resiliency through advocacy, education, support, and play. We strive to be a true community center where joy, healing, and love flourish.
We always need volunteers to staff the center, run our groups, help with events, and lots more! To express interest, please fill out this form and we’ll be in contact.

Land Use Acknowledgement
We begin our gatherings by respectfully acknowledging that we are on unceded Abenaki land. We humbly offer our respect to Abenaki Elders, present and past, and extend it to all their descendants and Indigenous peoples worldwide. The Abenaki [A-ben-A-kee] know this land as Ndakinna [in-DAH-kee-NAH], which means homeland. For eons before the arrival of settlers, they were the caretakers of this region’s lands and waters. With this acknowledgment, we recognize their connection to this land and the hardships the Abenaki, both historically and currently, face.
We give thanks for our opportunity to build community here in this place and join the efforts to protect and preserve it. We are part of an interconnected web of life that joins the land, waters, sky, and all that lies between, and we recognize our responsibility to it.